Facility Management Software Made Easy
Make It Easy with FaciliBuild HUB
FaciliBuild HUB is a facility and construction platform that makes it easy for teams to work on projects, assets, reports, and much more. We follow our philosophy of “Make It Easy” to connect people, places, and things in one place so you can focus on what matters most: your customers.
User Benefits
Connect all internal and external teammates together.
Store all your facilities—and related projects—in one easy to navigate place.
Keep track of every asset in your facility.
Stay on schedule with project checklists.
Generate project reports in seconds.
And much more!
Average number of projects created per year per company
Combined years in the construction industry
Reports generated are paper-free
See How it Works
We bring all your teammates together to improve project communication, accountability, and transparency.
Connecting Our People
We connect every facility and associated project ever performed on it so you have records of all the services provided - think of it as CARFAX for your buildings.
Connecting Our Places
Connecting Our Things
We connect every piece of equipment to your facility so you can easily find work orders and have real-time answers about performance.